International Legume Database & Information Service

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ILDIS (International Legume Database and Information Service)

This is the new ILDIS wiki, started on 17 June 2018, and currently under construction.

The original ILDIS web-site will remain available for some time, and pages will gradually be transferred to this wiki. You can continue to bookmark, as the URL has not changed.

Please let me know of any problems (Richard White).


Roskov Y.R., Bisby F.A., Zarucchi J.L., Schrire B.D. & White R.J. (eds.) ILDIS World Database of Legumes: draft checklist, version 10 [published June 2006, but CD shows November 2005 date]. ILDIS, Reading, UK, 2006 [CD-Rom: ISBN 0 7049 1248 1] (also available here at

start.1548686747.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/28 14:45 by