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International Legume Database & Information Service

  • ILDIS apologises for the recent interruption to service. The ILDIS World Database of Legumes, version 10.01, is now working again. While I am currently re-building the web site on a new hosting service, some other facilities on this site may not work. Please let me know of any problems and be patient while I fix them. (16 June 2018)

Quick search (scientific name):

ILDIS is an international project which maintains a database of plants in the family Fabaceae (Leguminosae) and provides services to scientists and other people interested in these plants, including this web-site for access to the database. The ILDIS checklist is also supplied to the Catalogue of Life.

Current version

Search the
ILDIS World Database of Legumes
(version 10, November 2005) using the LegumeWeb on-line database search service

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ILDIS Explorer software and database, with an innovative new program for browsing and searching

Older versions

Search the
ILDIS World Database of Legumes
(version 9.00, dated January 2005) using the LegumeWeb on-line database search service

Browse the
ILDIS Legumes of the World
draft checklist created by the AliceWeb HTML report generator from the ILDIS World Database of Legumes (version 6.00, 11 June 2001)

Regional Centres
Regional Centres
The family Leguminosae
The family Leguminosae
Contact ILDIS
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(last updated 5 July 2006)
ILDIS Northern Eurasia
ILDIS Northern Eurasia

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©  Copyright 2018 by Richard White and ILDIS (International Legume Database & Information Service). All rights reserved. Web page created by Richard White on a server previously at Cardiff University School of Computer Science & Informatics and now hosted by Kualo Ltd.

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