ILDIS annotated bibliography
(under construction)
Adey, M.E., Allkin, R., Bisby, F.A., White, R.J. & Macfarlane, T.D. The Vicieae Database: an experimental taxonomic monograph. In: R. Allkin and F.A. Bisby, 1984, pp. 175-188 [book at 1CM]
(Describes the Vicieae Database Project and how its morphological data set for the legume tribe Vicieae was assembled and managed (using the Exir DBMS with several purpose-written import and export utilities) in order to permit querying and the production of various printed reports. Data encoding and conversion is discussed.)
R. Allkin and F.A. Bisby, eds. Databases in Systematics, London, Academic Press, Systematics Association Special Volume 26, 1984. [book at 1CM]
Allkin, R. & White, R.J. Data management models for biological classification. In: Bock, H.H., ed., Classification and related methods of data analysis, Elsevier (North-Holland), Amsterdam, 1988, 653- 402 [book at 8SG]
(Notes to be completed)
Allkin, R., White, R.J. & Winfield, P.J. Handling the structure of biological data. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 16, 1992, 1-9
Babac M.T. & Bisby, F.A. A Chemotaxonomic Database. In: R. Allkin and F.A. Bisby, 1984, pp. 209-218 [book at 1CM]
(Describes the phytochemical database for the legume tribe Vicieae, managed by the Exir DBMS, built as part of the Vicieae Database Project and planned to be a “phase 2” project for ILDIS.)
Bisby, F.A., White, R.J., Macfarlane, T.D. & Babac, M.T. The Vicieae Database Project: experimental uses of a monographic taxonomic database for species of vetch and pea. In: J. Felsenstein, ed. Numerical Taxonomy, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, NATO Advanced Study Institute Series, G1, 1983, 625-629
Bisby, F.A., Russell, G.F. & Pankhurst, R.J., eds., Designs for a Global Plant Species Information System, Oxford University Press, 1993 [the title page quotes the Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1993, but the actual publication date was February 1994] [book at 1CM]
Southon, I.W., Bisby, F.A., Buckingham, J., Harborne, J.B., Zarucchi, J.L., Polhill, R.M., Adams, B.R., Lock, J.M., White, R.J., Bowes, I., Hollis, S. & Heald, J. Phytochemical Dictionary of the Leguminosae. Chapman & Hall, London, 1994, 1580pp [ISBN 0 412 39770 6] [book at 8SG]
(Notes to be completed)
Shimura, J., Ichiyanagi, Y., Hollis, S., White, R.J. & Bisby, F.A. A linked rhizobia and plant host information system (RAPHIS) on the World-wide Web. Microbiol. Cult. Coll., 14, 1997, 23-32
Roskov, Y.R., Bisby, F.A., Zarucchi, J.L., Schrire, B.D. & White, R.J. World database of Legumes - results from the first twenty years of the ILDIS project. In: Information Systems on Biodiversity of Species & Ecosystems: Scientific Program & Abstracts, St. Petersburg, 2003, 6-7
Roskov Y.R., Bisby F.A., Zarucchi J.L., Schrire B.D. & White R.J. (eds.) ILDIS World Database of Legumes: draft checklist, version 10 [published June 2006, but CD shows November 2005 date]. ILDIS, Reading, UK, 2006 [CD-Rom: ISBN 0 7049 1248 1] (also available online at
White, R.J., Allkin, R. & Winfield, P.J. Systematic databases: the Baobab design and the Alice system. In: Fortuner, R., ed., Advances in Computer Methods for Systematic Biology: Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Computer Vision, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1993, 297-311 [book at 1CM]
(Describes four aspects of taxonomic data (the taxon hierarchy, character variability and dependence, and missing values) and how these are addressed in the unimplemented “Baobab” taxonomic database design and in the Alice software suite which was specifically implemented to handle these issues and provide a complete DBMS for taxonomists and other biologists working with taxonomically organised data sets.)
White, R.J. & Allkin, R. A strategy for the evolution of database designs. In: Bisby, F.A., Russell, G.F. & Pankhurst, R.J., 1993, pp. 284-303
(Emphasised the importance of data exchange mechanisms (such as Delta and XDF), including the use of XDF by the Alice software to merge contributed data sets, rather than relying on a single common data structure for all databases.)
White, R.J., Jones, A.C., Gray, W.A. & Bisby, F.A. Creating frameworks to support interoperability of biodiversity data. Proc. BNCOD21 Bioinformatics Workshop, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 2004, 92-105 [ISBN 1-904410-12-X] [book at 8SG]
(Notes to be completed)
White, R.J. Linking biodiversity databases: preparing species diversity information sources by assembling, merging and linking databases. In: Curry, G.B. & Humphries, C.J., eds., Biodiversity Databases: Techniques, Politics and Applications, CRC Press, Systematics Association Special Volume 73, 2007, 111-128, ISBN 0-415-33290-7 [book at 1CM]
(Explains how large collaborative biological databases (such as the ERMS checklist and the ILDIS World Database of Legumes) were assembled by merging contributed data sets, and contrasts this with linking databases together into larger systems in initiatives such as the Species 2000 Dynamic Checklist and its further development in the Spice project. Databases such as ILDIS and the Species 2000 Catalogue of Life are seen as taxonomic backbones to which a variety of further data sets can be linked to expand the range of data available to the user. The reliability of such “onward links” in the presence of factors such as differing taxonomic treatments in the various data sets is discussed, with a proposed solution using “cross-maps” prepared using the Litchi software, which was developed further in the “Biodiversity World” and “Species 2000 Europa” projects.)
Zarucchi, J.L., Winfield, P.J., Polhill, R.M., Hollis, S., Bisby, F.A. & Allkin, R. The ILDIS project on the world's legume species diversity. In: Bisby, F.A., Russell, G.F. & Pankhurst, R.J., 1993, pp. 131-144 [book at 1CM]
(Describes the assembly of the ILDIS database from regional contributions to make the “Phase 1” checklist with geographical data and a few morphological and plant-use fields, with full citation of references, and explains current and planned future activities aiming to use this as a “backbone” to link in “Phase 2” data sets, especially phytochemistry (Babac & Bisby, 1984) and nodulation data. Emphasises the role of ILDIS in providing services to users, and interestingly assumes that scientists will send their requests to “enquiry centres”, thus failing to foresee the rapid growth of the Internet and especially the World-Wide Web, although an experimental online data retrieval was planned.)